Igniting the Fire Media Group, Inc. is a Christian based organization. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded all believers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to disciple men of every nation. The fulfillment of that Great Commission requires that all worldly and personal ambitions be subordinated to a total commitment to "Him who loved us and gave Himself for us." Our mission is to fulfill His directive through Igniting the Fire, Inc.
The Internet is the new frontier for businessess, organizations, artists and ministers desiring to touch the world with their message.
ITF-TV is a network of multiple internet television channels that features content created by Igniting the Fire Media Group and the companies and ministries we have partnered with over the years to create these projects.
"Our mandate is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to world through ITF-TV!"

- Gregg Hadnot, VP
P.O. Box 25894, Overland Park, KS 66213
Why Choose Internet Television?
With the advancement of technology and the emergence of the Internet, the Christian mandate of reaching the world with the gospel has become a conceivable reality. It is imperative for Christians around the globe to understand that the world is not going online, they’re already there! Statistics show that in the US more than 75% of households currently use the Internet and globally there are close to 2 billion internet users. That is nearly 1/3 of the world’s population! There are sites online that are currently streaming Billions of videos per month!
At ITF-TV we believe that just because we're Christians, doesn't mean we have to watch sermons all day. To that end, at ITF-TV you can watch some of your favorite movies, sitcoms, cartoons, news and more! Each year we pride ourselves in providing a great lineup of the best that television has to offer. In the works are more great original programs, games shows, and more. Bookmark our site and make it a part of your everyday plan.
The trend is becoming very clear; marketers and content publishers around the globe are finding internet TV an effective way to reach and engage their target audience. At ITF-TV we show you that you can get life changing Word and great entertainment at the same time.